Oktober 20, 2011
· Written by: timcky
Finally some more great news from Joerg!
The final Lo Sound Desert shootings are completed!
From the low to the high desert, from the Lo Sound Desert Festival in Thermal to Kyuss Lives! in Las Vegas, Joerg had great last days and was quite successful.
As well some things worked out the way Joerg wanted, some didn’t, but after all they came back with a bunch of new stunning material: 40 additional hours of footage, around 20 new interviews and a party. Which means: Approximately another half year of editing. But it’ll be worth it!
Meanwhile people should checkout Joergs other project, the brand new Truckfighters Fuzzomentary, which comes out as download version in November!
Joerg would like to thank all the great folks, who were personally involved and made it happen by donating or taking care of things on location!
More news (Lo Sound Desert)
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September 27, 2011
· Written by: timcky
Joerg came back from San Francisco, to Palm Desert a few days ago. There they shot some interviews with The Hornss. Mike Moracha and Nick Nava are originally from the desert but chose to live in San Francisco. Together they started Hornss, a wall of sound band, which also played at the Thermal party.
Right now, they both are working in a peepshow, up in the redlight district in San Francisco. There they have to, amongst other things, „mob the jizz out off the cabins“.
Joerg is going to stay in Palm Desert for another couple of days. Recently he finally got to do the interview with desert legend Scott Reeder! And to complete the trip a gig of Kyuss in Las Vegas is planned to be visited.
Sounds like a whole lotta fun, doesn’t it?
(archive pictures)
More news (Lo Sound Desert)
September 9, 2011
· Written by: timcky
Joerg was kind enough to write a few words once again:
He had a good time at Sean Wheelers (Throw Rag, Zander Schloss & Sean Wheeler) house yesterday. Sean killed two really huge black widows while eating a cheese burrito. Besides that he also gave a cool interview of course.
Unfortunately they are having a few problems which they try to solve right now. The Heat in California is brutal at the moment. Without air conditioners people would probably break down immediately.
Also it’s really hard for Joerg to get a hold on Scott Reeder, Dave Catching and a few others, since they’re all currently busy with recordings. Not the best condition for making a proper documentary.
It’s a must to show some footage of the Rancho de la Luna (for those who don’t know: It’s a recording studio in Joshua Tree founded by Fred Drake and Dave Catching and housed such bands like Queens of the Stone Age, Fu Manchu and Mark Lanegan). But right now he does not have the opportunity to shoot there. It would be also cool to film Scott Reeders ranch. It doesn’t look so good for that eighter though…
The bad news don’t stop: The band Unsound a great punk band from the desert won’t play the desert party in Thermal this saturday, which is a real bummer to a lot of people who love this band, because Unsound were really popular within the desert scene.
The reason is simple and excuseable though: The singers wife awaits their child for this date.
Also Mario Lalli is worried about the heat on saturday. He’s afraid that actually too many bands will play and their schedule is set too early.
Let’s hope things work out and Joerg has a great time in the desert anyway!
Lo Sound Desert has received positive resonance via the local press. So to read at:
(archive pictures)
Older news (Lo Sound Desert)