Before you write us, please check first: What is your matter of concern?
1. I want to send you my bands demo / CD to review:
We are getting loads and loads of CD review requests. We would love to review them all. But we don’t have the time for that! Thank you for your understanding. You can send your CD / demo / download link anyway to us of course. We won’t delete them, but save them till we have time or get a idea how to handle with all these requests!
All requests go to:
2. I want to add a festival to your festival planner:
We would be happy to add your festival. But: We can’t add all the small one-day-Festivals which aren’t really literally a festival. There are too many of them, to add them. It would be to much work and would be affect the survey of the planner. You can send us the information anyway and we can post the festival 1-2 weeks before the actual date on Facebook.
Important data for festivals for the planner:
– Festival name
– Visitors
– Date / venue
– Ticket prizes / ticket amount
– Where can I buy tickets
– Lineup
– Short description
– Artwork
It would be great if all information would send be in German and English.
3. I want to promote the gig of my band via
We can’t promote single gigs. What we can do though, is promote whole European tour dates. So we can add them to our European gig overview. What we need to promote a tour:
– All the dates (date, venue, support band, etc.)
– Tour artwork
– A short info-text about the tour
4. I want to do reviews for or help in another way:
We always need support. If you have writing skills, are able to write and translate in English and would like to work in a team on the side feel free to contact us. Just tell us, why do you think you would be a great addition to the team!
Contact us via: