Desertfest London Tickets

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Desertfest London Tickets

Postby Ganjalf » Mon 9. Jan 2012, 13:57

Listen up folks,
I ordered tickets for me and my friends but unfortunately one of them got the ticket as a Christmas present from her parents.
Thats why I sell 1 Desertfest Ticket for Camden, London
I’ll charge 88€ which are 73 Pound (original ticket price)

Send me a private message if you’re interested.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional."

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Re: Desertfest London Tickets

Postby Ganjalf » Thu 19. Jan 2012, 11:29

Forget about it, it was possible to cancel on of the tickets.
Thread closed!
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional."

Posts: 85
Joined: Sat 26. Nov 2011, 17:22
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