Redneck Rampage (EST)

Talk about bands like: Alabama Thunderpussy, Orange Goblin, Acid King, Five Horse Johnson, etc.

Re: Redneck Rampage (EST)

Postby Steve Albino » Thu 5. Jan 2012, 00:48

Don’t know if the matter is settled that easy! Your dealing with the arguable reputation of that brand in another country than yours is a bit too sloppy for me, sorry! Case closed for me!
Mankind is unkind, man!

Steve Albino
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Re: Redneck Rampage (EST)

Postby CaptFirePanda » Thu 5. Jan 2012, 17:44

I’m sure the matter will never truly be settled to anyone’s satisfaction. To be honest, I’d never heard of the Thor Steinar clothing line until I read about it here, so I could have accidentally donned the stuff without knowing any better. There are certainly many more issues with this issue in Europe than there are in North America (not that it doesn’t exist here, it just isn’t as obvious) and Estonia has some unsighlty connections with Nazi reverance, but I think that people should be given the benefit of the doubt (especially in a place as seemingly relaxed as these forums). I don’t endorse, nor would I ever condone any form of racism or Aryan supremacy but I also believe in the idea of "innocent until proven guilty".

I do love internet arguments/ideological discussions, so I’d be more than happy to continue this if it were in a more apprpriate spot on the forums

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Re: Redneck Rampage (EST)

Postby redneckrampage » Fri 6. Jan 2012, 09:11

look Steve, calm down. you know that wearing Nike (the sportsgood brand) almost equals being a nogood-dropout-douchebag in my country? so if you would be wearing a Nike cap or t-shirt in your video, should I presume anything about you too? no! (as an example, i know that the severity of the two things are different) so, what i’m saying, is that we know that we can’t come to middle-europe, wearing those, without people getting the wrong impression, so we never planned to do that. so please don’t even try to put any signs on us that aren’t true.

Redneck Rampage (members of the band and their affiliates) does not support any kind of nazi or nazi-related idealisms that Thor Steinar brand might remind to you. we will avoid wearing TS apparel shooting footage meant for international audiences to avoid any misunderstandings.
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Re: Redneck Rampage (EST)

Postby Ganjalf » Fri 6. Jan 2012, 14:38

Hopefully this issue will be cleared by now.
Let’s come back to music, and maby one of the admins enable a new thread for political discussions. But Personally I don’t like these between "normal" conversations about good music.
CaptFirePanda wrote:I do love internet arguments/ideological discussions, so I’d be more than happy to continue this if it were in a more apprpriate spot on the forums

With the right spot on the forum we could seperate these things from the music unless some kind of shitty nazi related, hate spreading and anti-Semitic band comes along with their ideology..than we should expel these people from the forum. ;D
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional."

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Re: Redneck Rampage (EST)

Postby CaptFirePanda » Fri 6. Jan 2012, 14:52

Ganjalf wrote:With the right spot on the forum we could seperate these things from the music

I think the "Off-Topic" subforum might be a good place. Not sure what it is intended for exactly, but it does seem like a good place for random discussions about random topics.

and, yes, back to the music which is always a treat for my ears!

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Re: Redneck Rampage (EST)

Postby Steve Albino » Fri 6. Jan 2012, 15:12

redneckrampage wrote: Redneck Rampage (members of the band and their affiliates) does not support any kind of nazi or nazi-related idealisms that Thor Steinar brand might remind to you.

Truly, that was all I wanted to read from you guys from the first post on!!!

So, back to the music, which I really dig, as I wrote in my first post!
Mankind is unkind, man!

Steve Albino
Posts: 27
Joined: Thu 15. Dec 2011, 14:00


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